Saturday, December 10, 2011


I was introduced to the "bloggosphere" by a very intelligent sibling. Let me tell you, I was scared. I wrote that first sentence that you see up there about 54 times. "What do I write about?" was the pervading question. What do I name my blog? What if nobody likes it?

I was promptly told that I was being silly, and there's no such thing as a bad blog. My intelligent sibling instructed me to write about my feelings. Feelings. Okay, good. I have those. Well i feel that i should have been born a dinosaur. I feel that ninjas are so much cooler than pirates. I also feel that awkward moments can be made entirely more awkward by randomly shouting "OH MY WORD THERE'S A CATERPILLAR ON YOUR FACE!!!"

But those are not really good things to write about.

I started to study other bloggers. (My intelligent sibling's blog was among them). I took profuse notes.

1. Bloggers do that random "Paragraph/Line Skippy Thing" that you've probably noticed me doing above. I have no idea what this signifies, but I guess it is an expression of individuality, or intelligence.

2. Bloggers can weave together a long list of random disjointed thoughts into a glossy and oftentimes humorously eloquent entry of random disjointed thoughts. This part takes real talent and panache.

3. Bloggers have awesome names that instantly give you a vivid mental picture of what it is you are going to read. I on the other hand chose the title: [].

To the philosophical thinker, one might think the name signifies the ability of the reader to find themselves in whatever it is that I write. Which is a whole lot better than my original reason for selecting a title such as that. As an emerging blogger with the occasional, egregious plague of Writer's Block (and we all know what a nefarious demon that can be) I thought it witty to draw from my lack of ideas for my premier entry. Yeah. Great idea right?

So with my Grab-Bag of Huge Vocabulary Words, and my Sword of Prose I set off on this journey of blogging, and what an adventure this is shaping up to be.

As a final thought, most bloggers leave you with a catchphrase or a final thought, but alas I have not one. Except this, can you find yourself in the same boat as me? At a loss for words, or with an apparent surplus of idioms? I think I just might have both.

Love, Alexander

[your name. goes. here.]

1 comment:

  1. I am officially the first person to follow you.

    BAM SON. :D

    I love it!
