Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[TBH I don't really care...]

Okay before I begin, THIS BLOG POST IS NOT MEANT TO STEP ON ANY TOES. It is a cry for justice.

I begin.

 If you've signed your life away to the addictive medium known as Facebook you most likely have seen the recent influx of copypastas like "Like my status to see how I really feel about you"or "TBH (for the layman, To Be Honest)" or "If like this status if you've ever had a crush on me, comment if you think I'm cute, inbox me if you think i look like a giraffe, copy this as your status if you want to join the legions of Facebook users cluttering the newsfeeds of civilized people."

To begin with, why do I have to like your status to know how you truly feel? Can't we like  have a heartfelt tete-a-tete over coffee or something? Guess not. It makes soooooo much more sense to post my feelings for all my 4722 friends to see.

Also, what exactly are you expecting to hear from the person whose status you liked? Obviously something positive. But what if... WHAT IF somebody flipped the script and said something negative?

>Billy-Bob Smith: TBH

>Ooh I want so desperately to know how Billy-Bob feels about me! Maybe he will publicly express the depths of his affections! "Like"

>Billy-Bob Smith posted on your wall 

"TBH I don't like you. That is all."


 That my dear friends is what is called  a wasted "like", and is one less friend you will have. But hey, now all 4722 of your closest friends know about the upcoming feud you will soon be having.

Isn't social networking just splendid?

But hey, what right have I to complain? The TBH movement makes so much more sense than the social customs that have lasted for centuries and have built lasting friendships, relationships and alliances. TBH i'm just a stick-in-the-mud who needs to get with the program. My bad, guys. My bad.


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